Teamwork - now more than ever!

Carla Rawlings, Seabury Care Manager
Carla Rawlings was working hard to obtain essential supplies for Seabury Care Management clients. We know the images of the empty shelves with no toilet paper, paper towels and other necessities. Through ingenuity and perseverance, Carla was able to secure a limited supply of the sought after paper goods. Carla’s Seabury teammate Nancy and her husband, sewing face masks had produced enough inventory for Carla’s clients and others at risk. Carla was in the middle of coordinating face mask distribution and making deliveries to Seabury clients, when the COVID-19 virus hit home. Unrelated to her efforts serving her clients, Carla was exposed to a person who was caring for someone who tested positive for the virus. As a consequence, Carla went into fourteen-day quarantine. This eliminated Carla’s ability to deliver toilet paper, paper towels and masks. Turning to her teammates, volunteers quickly stepped forward. Jeanne Stanislawski, Seabury Life Enrichment Specialist and Seabury volunteer, Katie Micklos jumped in. They carefully transferred the critical supplies from Carla and completed the deliveries to Seabury home bound clients. Team work is at the core of Seabury’s Care Management program. The Pandemic has demonstrated the tight bonds among team members. Support this selfless, dedicated team and make your donation to Seabury today!
For more information: Call: 202-364-0020