#TeamSeabury Profiles – Martha Gaston

Bike to Work Day (BTWD), May 19, is an annual celebration of cycling during National Bike Month. BTWD encourages cycling as a fun, healthy, and environmentally friendly alternative to driving. On May 19, commuters are encouraged to bike to work, and stop at one of the many pit stops located in DC, Maryland, and Virginia to meet other cyclists and enjoy refreshments, giveaways, and more!
Martha Gaston casually pulled a folded bicycle from her car trunk, then proceeded to unfold it and ride around the parking lot, showing off her stylish and convenient ride. A Seabury care manager, she cycles for leisure and exercise. Martha recently joined Team Seabury, our virtual Bike to Work Day team, to share how she practices healthy aging.
Martha cycles once or twice a week and prefers riding in slightly colder temperatures, citing smaller crowds as a motivation. She enjoys riding solo, finding a “kind of meditative state” on the bike trails.
Her favorite destination is the Mt. Vernon Trail, which connects to a path around the Tidal Basin, providing a scenic route around the monuments. Her most memorable ride took place on a beachside path in New Zealand, where she rode to the sound of the waves.
Martha has ridden bikes her whole life, but started riding more regularly about twenty years ago. She appreciates that cycling is easy on the knees, and includes it in a sports regimen that also includes softball and squash. She notes these activities as her keys to healthy aging. They certainly appear to be working!
This year, Seabury is hosting a Bike to Work Day Pit Stop for the first time! We believe that cycling is a part of healthy aging that people of all ages can benefit from. We are excited to be partnering with MedStar National Rehabilitation Network’s Adaptive Sports and Fitness Program, who will provide adaptive cycles available for demonstration. Seabury’s Pit Stop, Riggs Park at Seabury, will be located at 6031 Kansas Ave NW from 4 to 7 pm.
If you are unable to join us on May 19, and would like to be involved, consider joining our virtual Bike to Work Day team, Team Seabury, and tell us how you support healthy aging. You can also share your story or follow others’ using the hashtags #TeamSeabury, #HealthyAging, and #BTWD2017. We will post brief profiles of those who fill out the Team Seabury questionnaire, https://goo.gl/forms/cebj74rZHYobDed53, to spread the word about healthy aging!