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Seabury’s Marcy Hunter Receives "Heroes in Action" Award

On November 17th, Marcy Hunter, Executive Director of Seabury at Springvale Terrace, was awarded LeadingAge Maryland’s "Heroes in Action" award. The award recognizes individuals who face the challenges of the pandemic with grace, commitment, and innovation.

Marcy’s dedication to the older adults who call Springvale Terrace home is inspiring. Nominated by her colleagues, Cara Dooley and Jeffrey Dean, Marcy is equally committed to her team that have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to make sure residents are safe and cared for.

Seabury offers both assisted and independent living at Springvale Terrace, in downtown Silver Spring, which created unique challenges when the COVID-19 pandemic struck the region. Jeffrey recalls, “Things were very touch and go. A lot of information needed to get out very quickly and very clearly.”

When presenting the award last week, Cara spoke to Marcy’s experience and passion, saying “I knew I would be safe. I knew that she was on top of all the new information.. She cares so much about the residents and her team.” Jeffrey added, “A lot of the stuff that Marcy did really saved lives.”

Seabury is extremely fortunate to have Marcy, and many others that share her commitment, on our team fighting for older adults. Seabury truly cares about making sure everyone is able to age with dignity and Marcy exemplifies that mission every day.


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