The Cost of Aging in America
Below, Seabury Resources for Aging welcomes guest blogger Emily Newhook from the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University as she discusses the costs of aging. To find out more about how Seabury can support you and your family in making the right decisions as you age, call the Seabury InfoLine at 202.364.0020.
In 2011, an AARP study found that 90 percent of those aged 65 and older want to remain in their homes for as long as possible …but will they be able to afford it? Just as important, as the size of this population continues to increase, will aging individuals living in a variety of personalized housing environments have access to high-quality and efficient health care? How will the costs associated with common financial challenges — such as long-term care, prescription drugs and chronic conditions — interfere with their and their loved ones’ ability to plan for the future?
These questions are at the heart of “The Cost of Aging in America,” a new infographic that explores some of the serious economic realities faced by aging individuals, caregivers and health care professionals. The graphic was created by faculty and staff with MPH@GW, the online MPH offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University.

Emily Newhook is the community relations manager for the online master of public health (MPH@GW) offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University. She lives in Washington, DC. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyNewhook.
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